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BookNook Technology Requirements

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Use the following page to ensure your technology setup is compatible with BookNook.

You can also use the Table of Contents on the left side to jump to the appropriate section on this page.


Check Network & Browser

Network Requirements

Minimum Connection Speed: 10Mbps Required, 20Mbps+ Recommended

Browser Requirements

BookNook’s preferred web browser is Google Chrome. Consider downloading Google Chrome’s most recent version.

Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome v119+
  • Safari v17+
  • Edge v119+

Check Devices and Equipment

Device Requirements

  • Desktop / laptop / tablet with minimum screen size: 1024 x 728
  • Device audio (input and output)
  • Web browser installed

Recommended Equipment

  • Wired headphones with microphone

Important Note: Native BookNook app on Chromebooks, iPads, and Amazon Kindles are no longer supported and should not be used.


Whitelist Domains

To ensure optimal performance, BookNook customers must whitelist certain domains categorized as follows:

Required for All Customers
These domains must be whitelisted by all BookNook users to ensure the software functions correctly.
Recommended for All Customers
These domains are recommended for all customers, but not mandatory. Whitelisting them will enhance your experience.
Additional Requirements
For Virtual Tutoring, subject-specific domains must be whitelisted, along with the required and recommended domains for all customers.

Please review and whitelist the appropriate domains based on your use case described above to ensure the best BookNook experience.

Whitelisting for All BookNook Customers

Necessary Whitelisting

Please use any wildcard character that your system needs, represented here by the asterisks.

  • *
  • *

Alternatively, customers can whitelist these specific domains, but changes may be required in the future:


Recommended Whitelist

BookNook uses third-party services to detect and troubleshoot issues, improve the user experience, and gather usage statistics internally. These services are used purely for collecting data to further enhance our product. We adhere strictly to all federal and state laws, and never share or sell data. While these are optional, we recommend allowing them to be on a safe list to streamline student and tutor support.

  • *
  • *
  • *’

More information can be found in the BookNook Privacy Policy.

After completing the Necessary Whitelisting for All BookNook Customers above, be sure to complete the next section if you are using BookNook Virtual Tutoring.

Additional Whitelisting for Virtual Tutoring Customers

Specific domains must be whitelisted, depending on whether you’re receiving BookNook Reading or Math Virtual Tutoring. In addition to the domains whitelisted in the section above, these domains are essential for seamless interaction and functionality during virtual tutoring sessions.

Virtual Tutoring Reading Whitelist

Our reading platform utilizes two-way video communication between students and tutors, powered by These URLs must be whitelisted by all reading customers:

  • *
  • *

IP ranges & ports:

These servers are necessary for the initial handshake of the media layer for reading video calls and help us choose the most appropriate media servers to host new calls.

  • Ports:  443, 3478 (TCP and UDP), 5349 (TCP),  40,000-40,128 (UDP)
  • IPs: –

Virtual Tutoring Math Whitelist

Our math platform utilizes a two-way video communication and whiteboarding tool for students and tutors powered by These URLs must be whitelisted by all math customers:

  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *

Our math platform also utilizes a backup audio/video call system if needed. We recommend whitelisting the backup URL as well:

  • *

Legacy Whitelist

As of August 2024, BookNook no longer uses these sites or services for new implementations, and
thus they are no longer required to be whitelisted by our clients.


Run a Readiness Check

After completing the checks above and whitelisting the necessary domains, use the following URLs to complete a readiness check on student devices.